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Discover the transformative benefits of microneedling at our medical spa. Our expert team uses advanced techniques with the eclipse microneedling pen, ensuring tailored treatments for refreshed, radiant skin.

a woman is getting a facial treatment at a spa .
a close up of a woman 's face with her hand on her face .

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Microneedling

Unveil radiant, youthful skin with our microneedling treatments at West End Medical Aesthetics. Using the cutting-edge eclipse microneedling pen, our skilled professionals deliver personalized treatments tailored to your skin's needs. Microneedling stimulates collagen production, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars while improving overall skin texture and tone.

Experience smoother, firmer skin with minimal downtime. Trust our medical spa for safe, effective microneedling treatments that rejuvenate and revitalize your complexion, leaving you with a renewed sense of confidence and beauty.

a woman is touching her face with her hand and smiling .
a woman is getting a facial treatment at a beauty salon .

Discover the Benefits

Collagen Boost

Our microneedling treatments stimulate collagen production, effectively reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. This results in smoother, firmer skin with enhanced elasticity and resilience, restoring a youthful and radiant complexion.

Improved Texture

Experience a noticeable improvement in skin texture and tone as microneedling promotes increased cell turnover, revealing a refreshed, rejuvenated complexion with minimized pores and a more even skin surface.

Personalized Care

With the use of the advanced eclipse microneedling pen, our skilled professionals provide customized treatments tailored to your specific skin concerns and goals, ensuring optimal results that address your unique needs while minimizing discomfort and downtime.

Microneedling Precare Tips

Prepare for your microneedling treatment at West End Medical Aesthetics with these simple precare tips. Avoid sun exposure and discontinue use of retinoids and exfoliating products for at least a week before your appointment to minimize skin sensitivity.

Hydrate your skin by drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your treatment, and ensure your skin is clean and free of makeup on the day of your appointment. Inform your technician about any medications or skin conditions you have, and follow any additional instructions provided by our team. Arrive at your appointment with a relaxed mindset, ready to experience the rejuvenating benefits of microneedling. By following these precare guidelines, you'll maximize the effectiveness of your treatment and enhance your overall experience at our medical spa.

a woman is getting a facial treatment at a beauty salon .
a woman is getting a facial treatment at a beauty salon .

Microneedling Postcare Instructions

After undergoing microneedling at West End Medical Aesthetics, it's essential to adhere to the following postcare instructions for optimal results. Firstly, avoid direct sun exposure for 48 hours, apply sunscreen daily, and moisturize your skin gently. Refrain from using harsh skincare products and engaging in vigorous exercise or excessive sweating for 24-48 hours post-treatment.

Additionally, avoid picking or scratching the treated area, wash your face with a mild cleanser, and attend any scheduled follow-up appointments. If you have any concerns or questions about your postcare routine, don't hesitate to consult our expert team. By following these guidelines diligently, you'll support the healing process and maintain the beautiful results of your microneedling treatment.

a beautiful young woman is holding her hands to her face .
a beautiful young woman is holding her hands to her face .


Get quick answers to key questions about microneedling in our concise FAQs. Learn about its benefits, session expectations, and more essential information. Whether you're new to microneedling or considering it as part of your skincare routine, we've got you covered.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • How does Microneedling work, and what are its benefits?

    Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, involves using a device equipped with fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin's surface. These micro-injuries stimulate the body's natural healing response, promoting collagen and elastin production. As a result, microneedling improves skin texture, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, and enhances overall skin tone. 

    Additionally, microneedling allows for better absorption of skincare products, maximizing their effectiveness. Furthermore, microneedling can be combined with other treatments like PRP or Lumecca IPL to enhance results and address specific skin concerns such as pigmentation or sun damage.

  • What can I expect during a Microneedling treatment session?

    During a microneedling session at West End Medical Aesthetics, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed, and a numbing cream may be applied to minimize discomfort. Our skilled professionals will then use a specialized microneedling device, such as the eclipse microneedling pen, to create controlled micro-injuries in the targeted areas. The treatment duration typically lasts around 30-60 minutes, depending on the area being treated and your specific skincare goals. 

    Additionally, if desired, complementary treatments such as Laser Hair Removal can be discussed and integrated into your session for a comprehensive skincare approach.

  • Is there any downtime associated with Microneedling?

    While microneedling is minimally invasive, some patients may experience mild redness, swelling, or sensitivity immediately following the treatment, which typically subsides within a few days. It's essential to follow postcare instructions provided by our team to optimize results and minimize any discomfort. Most patients can resume their regular activities immediately after the treatment, although it's advisable to avoid direct sun exposure and harsh skincare products for a few days post-treatment to allow for optimal healing.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Ready to Transform Your Skin?

Elevate your skincare routine with microneedling at West End Medical Aesthetics. Book your appointment today to experience the rejuvenating benefits of this innovative treatment. Achieve smoother, firmer skin with reduced fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. Your journey to radiant skin starts here. Schedule now and glow!

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